MUO Muzeum moderního umění Olomouc / Divadlo hudby
26.04.2019 - 28.05.2019
Water is a significant phenomenon in Milos Šejn's work. Appears almost everywhere. Even the Sun Mountain was built above the stream flowing through it. In MUO / OLOMOUC MUSEUM OF ART – Theatre of Music you can see it on the long white wall in the hall (drawing, writing, painting), water framed and hanging, and a video stream flowing in the foyer.
Right from the water spring
The body of waters bites downwardly there
Where it roots in the deepest subsoil and
Turns its multiple eyes upward
Between grass and trees into the light
From where it was born.
Its being is becoming a shape
And its limbs growing through soil
In the endless folds
Always open embrace for seeing, speaking,
Finger printings and tracks of incoming
For touches the mouth of all beings
On the water surface.
We are also bodies of water
Seemingly break away from this immensity.
Miloš Šejn
From the Diary / October 8, 2014