Gallery Ferdinand Baumann
14.06.2020 - 15.06.2020
24h Performance is a unique experimental performance form. It is a hybrid mix between group performance, real life in the city, exhibition, music production, demonstration, festival, survival experience, temporary autonomous zone, filming, climax and poetry.
24h Performance is a free continuation of the 7th year of the traditional Performance Festival organized by the Ferdinand Baumann Gallery.
Performance as a medium has the potential to create new relationship structures between people, environments (Hakim Bay), or interspecies relationships (Haraway). We create a collective body, a hybrid organism, an autonomous system. The subtopic of our experiment is movement in the city.
The situation in Stepanska pasaz, In the Swim I club on Wenceslas Square, cameras will be filmed non-stop and streamed online. It will also be possible to watch the stream in the Swim club or on the web. The individual elements of the group performance will also be presented as video installations during the event, thanks to the application developed by Michal Kindernay and Pavel Havrda.
Curated by: Darina Alster
Performers: David Helan, Lenka Klodova, Milos Sejn, Katerina Olivova, Jana Orlova, Mariana Kuzelova, Hana Magdonova, František Kowolowsky, Sonya The Moon, Jan Skrob, Martin Zet, Katarina Kadijevic, Tomas Ruller, Sarka Rihova, Barbora Makalova, Jakub Kolpek, Jolana Sturmova, Zuzana Pipkova, Tereza Holubova, Magdalena Junkova, Simon Klus, Anna Kroupova, Roza Pogosian, Lady Gaby, Jachym Ricanek, Viktor Fucek, Aneta Jaurisova, Sara Wollasch, Barbora Smekalova, Antonín Brinda, Martina Dobiasova
Milos Šejn: A Look Into The Future And The Past / Wenceslas Square in Prague / 24H Performance