Bohemiae Rosa
The Olomouc Centre for Ecological Activities
25.08.2017 - 31.08.2017
Since 1995 Milos Sejn and Frank van de Ven have co-operated in their bi-annual interdisciplinary open-air Body-Site-Exploration projects in various National & Cultural Reserves in the Czech Republic (Kokorin Valley, Plasy Monastery, Bohemian Karst, Bechyne Monastery with the Luznice River, Bohemian Paradise, Sumava and Krkonose Mountains, Kuks Spa, The Elbe Sandstone Mountains) known as the Bohemiae Rosa Project.
This edition of the Bohemiae Rosa Project will take place in the Moravia area known since the early Middle Ages as "Moravia Magna" (Greek: Μεγάλη Μοραβία). In this river landscape we find virgin forests, swamps, old meanders, meadows, springs, caves but also areas romantically humanized using artificial structures, such as ancient roads, gates, obelisks, hills and gardens. Walking and working in the Morava River Basin we investigate the numerous relations between Body and Landscape and their significance to contemporary (Performing) Arts.
The program will include:
• MB -(mind/body, muscles/bones) dance training
• practice of and reflection on physical and mental training
• walking and wandering, silent walk, pilgrimage and nocturnal journeys
• various modes of experiencing body, movement and landscape
• investigating divergent senses of space and time
• peripatetic records, drawing, writing, immediate contact with surroundings
• mental topography of a location, myth, archaic mind and genius loci
• geology, archaeology and history of the Bohemian Paradise as a model of self: layers, vertical connections and labyrinths
An integral part of the workshop will be the individual artistic projects that participants are encouraged to formulate and work on for about 1 to 2 hours a day. (in the fields architecture, landscape art, dance, performance, photography, sculpture, theatre, visual arts, biology and natural history). The workshop leaders are available to guide and support these processes.
The body is a landscape in itself moving within the larger frame of the given surrounding environment. The vertical and horizontal layering of the (historical) landscape invites us to reflect upon our own layers and connections of self and imagination.
Participants profile: artists and advanced students working in performance, dance, landscape art, sculpture, photography, architecture, theatre, visual arts, biology and natural history. Selection of participants will be based on c.v. and motivation.
No previous (dance) training is necessary but the workshop will be physically demanding. A good overall condition is required.
bohemiae rosa web