Studio BUBEC - Praha
27.06.2020 - 28.06.2020
The Art Safari art festival with serial number 35 has recently been devoted to the very current topic of water in various artistic disciplines, semantic positions and contexts. Despite the fact that this is a topic already somewhat discussed in the media world, it is not possible to slow down in the interest of it and the search for global and individual possibilities of involvement. Just as a hydrant means an available water source, the water element is one of the strongest sources of creation both in terms of phenomenal inspiration and semantic symbolism.
Recently, artists, as sensors of events, have been helping to detect problem areas related to the climate crisis, alerting and alarming the public, but also resisting hysteria, feelings of helplessness and coping with the situation on a deeper level. Art institutions review their own organizational practices, monitor and minimize their ecological footprint. The threat leads to activation and a new wave of cooperation within art schools, as well as emerging associations and communication platforms. Artists can offer a visionary perspective and unexpected approaches, as well as subtle changes in perspective. Last but not least, art offers the opportunity to deeply experience the beauty and meaning of phenomena.
Studio Bubec organizes a traditional two-day show, where various artistic disciplines intersect, from fine arts, theater music to lectures and workshops. Bubec is a traditional meeting place for artistic and ideological positions as well as a place to spend a pleasant family weekend. This year the date is postponed, from this year the show is postponed a month earlier - until mid-May.
At the exhibition we will meet both inspiration by water symbolism and physical phenomena associated with the water element in painting (for example Martin Salajka, Matej Lipavsky, Nikola Nikolai), sculpture (Jan Kovarik, Miriam Kaminska, Dagmar Subrtova), installation (Milos Sejn, David Helan , Lada Semecka, Petra Skorepova), video art (Jana Kasalova, Jakub Orel Tomas, performances (Milos Sejn, David Helan, Marie Tuckova). The event will fill not only the hall of Studio Bubec in Reporyje, but also the surrounding area, including the adjacent pond and the studio garden (installation by Ivana Hanzlikova, Matous Lipus and Ilona Janackova).
Daniela Kramerová
Milos Sejn: Water Eyes Wide Shut
KONVEN / Milos Sejn – David Helán