aktualita Creation – Myth – Art01|03|2025 - 17|05|2025
HYB4 Galerie / Praha

Joint project Czech Institute of Egyptology, Faculty of Arts, Charles University and HYB4 Galerie Kampus Hybernská connects ancient Egyptian texts and contemporary visual arts. 
KUNST RAUM NATUR Faces Miloš Šejn / ÍHMNÍ Miloš Šejn / NMHTÍ Being Landscape ŠEIN / ARCHIVES & CABINETS ŠEIN ARCHIVES OF PERCEPTION / Art 1/2005 ŠEJN / IMAGE BODY SOUND Colorvm Natvrae Varietas Miloš Šejn ABOVE THE GROUND / Fine Arts 5/1990 Photographs / Drawings / Books Works from 1984 - 1988 SITE SPECIFIC SVBROSA LVTEA book 3 Doppelung der Bilder im Raum Inner and Outer Landscapes MASSIVFRAGIL Visions in Fire, 1990 Mažarná / Definition of Space by Fire THE ROCK Light in Stones REVOLVERREVUE 103 MORAWA

Miloš Šejn – MORAWA. • 278. výstava Galerie Caesar / 278th Caesar Gallery Exhibition • 1. 4.–1. 5. 2015 / 1 April–1 May 2015 • Kurátor výstavy / Curator of Exhibition: Miroslav Schubert • Text: Miloš Šejn • Překlad / Translation: Radana Jakubcová • Podklady pro reprodukce/ Sources for the Reproductions: Archiv autora / Archive of Author & Jaroslav Brabec • Grafická úprava / Layout and Graphics: Miloš Šejn, Oldřich Šembera • Tisk / Print: Epava Olomouc

Right from the water spring
The body of waters bites downwardly there
Where it roots in the deepest subsoil and
Turns its multiple eyes upward
Between grass and trees into the light
From where it was born.
Its being is becoming a shape
And its limbs growing through soil
In the endless folds
Always open embrace for seeing, speaking,
Finger printings and tracks of incoming
For touches the mouth of all beings
On the water surface.
We are also bodies of water
Temporarily break away from this immensity

From the Diary / October 8, 2014

Bohemiae Rosa pointAcademy Archives point

Miloš Šejn | Českých Bratří 312 | CZ-50601 Jičín | T +420 723 701 658 | milos [at-sign]

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