Václav Cílek
Inner and Outer Landscapes, 2002
272 Pages
Plates Miloš Šejn, Photos Hana Rysová, hardcover, 200 x 135 mm.
Author: Václav Cílek
Date of publication: 2002, 2005
Editor: Dokořán
ISBN 80-86569-29-2 (First printing)
ISBN 80-7363-042-7 (Second printing)
Price: €11
And isn’t the National Museum big enough so as to house all the ground beetles, whirls and cephalopods at the time when the soul of a modern Czech nation was born? Isn’t it a nice and natural idea to make the soul of a nation from trilobites and from everything, which can be found and placed in a small dish? What sort of National Museum would we establish today? Wouldn’t it be a building full of words about democratic traditions, the Pansophy of Comenius and the Europeanism of Vojtěch? If we look for the soul of a nation (called “the national identity” today), a search, which has been going on not only here but also in England, Germany or Slovakia, words do not help – they only create concepts. If you forget the fern root or beech wood glinting in your palm early on the morning of 10/09/95 in Dobřeň, near Mšeno, you may soon have to pay for it.
Extract from "The Touchpeople" text by Václav Cílek