Catalogue for the "Light in Stones" exposition in Hradec Králové, winter 1977.
18 Pages
1 original photocopy, portfolio, file order, 210 x 297 mm.
Author: Jan K. Čeliš
Date of publication: 1977
Editor: samizdat
Photography for Milos Sejn has since the very beginning been closely bound to his interest in nature which, however, has never been a mere aesthetic view but was connected with studying it and, for some time, with a specialist’s narrow focus. The period of ornithological fever, when he waited for hours, hidden in lakeside vegetation, for a convenient moment to trigger his camera, was a lucky connection of two technically quite mastered expert skills, in which photography was subordinate to scientific interest, while this interest found its expression primarily in photography. Anyway, the recognition of organic order, brought forth by a scientific approach, was not the truth in finding where Milos Sejn would see his true realisation. Therefore, his interests moved closer towards expression designated as art expression. The tendency towards specialisation, revealing not only one of his character qualities, remains typical for the method of art work based, on the one hand, on a profound knowledge of what the subject of art creation is and the manner in which this creation will be made. Thus, despite the fact that the exhibited collection lacks a single scientific photograph, I found it necessary to mention this approach, as also in this case the discovery of secrets of the natural order is the hidden fundament. Understanding it is relatively similar to Callois’ approach of “cross sciences” which seeks joint rules between the natural kingdoms while revealing naturally anchored functions of the art form, its creation and growth in an area or space of an art work.
Extract from text by Jan K. Čeliš