aktualita LANDSCAPE FESTIVAL PRAGUE 202413|06|2024 - 30|09|2024

The basic idea and goal of the project is to indicate a green line, which with the revitalization of the brownfield of the Žižkov Freight Railway Station will become a path connecting the area of Krenovka (Florenc), the Hill of Holy Cross and a series of non-urbanized wooded areas around the Malešice Forest...
KUNST RAUM NATUR Faces Miloš Šejn / ÍHMNÍ Miloš Šejn / NMHTÍ Being Landscape ŠEIN / ARCHIVES & CABINETS ŠEIN ARCHIVES OF PERCEPTION / Art 1/2005 ŠEJN / IMAGE BODY SOUND Colorvm Natvrae Varietas Miloš Šejn ABOVE THE GROUND / Fine Arts 5/1990 Photographs / Drawings / Books Works from 1984 - 1988 SITE SPECIFIC SVBROSA LVTEA book 3 Doppelung der Bilder im Raum Inner and Outer Landscapes MASSIVFRAGIL Visions in Fire, 1990 Mažarná / Definition of Space by Fire THE ROCK Light in Stones REVOLVERREVUE 103 MORAWA
Photographs / Drawings / Books

Catalogue for the " Miloš Šejn • Photographs / Drawings / Books " exposition in Brno, Czech Republic, spring 1986.
28 Pages
25 ill., portfolio, 200 x 200 mm.
czech / english
Author: Jiří Valoch, Antonín Dufek
Date of publication: April 7th 986
Editor: House of Arts in Brno
Printing: Tisk, Brno, provoz 53 Vyškov

Miloš Šejn is an artist of rare sensibility who is capable of reflecting the actual relation of man and nature intently, but without sentimentality, with the knowledge of correlations. The author’s beginnings anticipated the methods and intentions of concept art, but he never quite identified himself with them. His creation is near to those isolated authors who in some way actualized the human perception of nature, be it in form of the visualization of wanderings (Karel Adamus, Jaroslav Anděl), of a photographic or textual hint, evoking in an only sequence something essential of the experience of the landscape (Hamish Fulton), direct collecting natural material and presenting it to the onlooker as a certain semantic and visual quality (Wolfgang Laib) or evoking the relation to primeval cultures and their rituals (Barbara and Michael Leisgen). Among the authors of this orientation it is the range of Šejn’s activities that arouses our interest, but above all the urgency of his message.

Extract from text by Jiří Valoch
translated by Gerta Pospisilova

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Miloš Šejn | Českých Bratří 312 | CZ-50601 Jičín | T +420 723 701 658 | milos [at-sign]

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