aktualita LANDSCAPE FESTIVAL PRAGUE 202413|06|2024 - 30|09|2024

The basic idea and goal of the project is to indicate a green line, which with the revitalization of the brownfield of the Žižkov Freight Railway Station will become a path connecting the area of Krenovka (Florenc), the Hill of Holy Cross and a series of non-urbanized wooded areas around the Malešice Forest...

Benedictio Aqvae, 2008

Body At Baroque Landscape - BOHEMIAE sub ROSA 
18th - 23rd August 2008,   Kuks Spa & Elbe River Valley

BENEDICTIO AQUAE II / Dedicated to Jan Jozeff Božan´s Nightingale of Paradise
Performed by Milos Sejn, Frank van de Ven and Günter Heinz
Theatrum Kuks 2008

Benedictio Aquae is a part of Jan Jozeff Božans hymnbook Nightingale of Paradise, which publication was supported by Franz Anton count Sporck. I forgot the exact date, but it was in baroque period of course. This book consists about eight hundred songs and Benedictio Aqua is its smaller, latin written part.
This hymnbook is a very important segment of the middle europe music culture and we - in this place - were specially interested in the theme of laudation of water.
Here, where water is an essential feature for everything.
For this whole valley.
Water is ubiquitous in the Castle Kuks, it is present in watersprings as a part of the buildings, it is in the forests around, it is a part of the sculptures, it is as the river under us..

Bohemiae Rosa pointAcademy Archives point

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