aktualita Creation – Myth – Art01|03|2025 - 17|05|2025
HYB4 Galerie / Praha

Joint project Czech Institute of Egyptology, Faculty of Arts, Charles University and HYB4 Galerie Kampus Hybernská connects ancient Egyptian texts and contemporary visual arts. 

BEING LANDSCAPE – Dedicated to C. Linnaeus

Uppsala Art Museum
15.06.2010 - 29.08.2010

As a part, and a memory, of the international performance art festival FRICTION III, Miloš Šejns installation remains as an exhibition at Uppsala Art Museum during the summer.

Miloš Šejn was born in 1947 and he lives in the Czech Republic. He works in the fields of visual arts, performances and research in visual perception, and he gives workshops. As an artist, he has been active since 1960 and has a long list of solo exhibitions, public projects, performances, films, multimedia art, essays, texts, lectures, workshops and group projects behind him. He has previously visited Uppsala, in the late 1990s, in collaboration with SU-EN Butoh Company and the Event of Ekeby Quarn.

Šejns artistic concepts were shaped in his youth when he carried out many missions in the wilderness to reflect on an inner need to get closer to natures mysteries and observe the miracle. Ever since the early 1960s he has photographed, drawn by, collected and described his impressions of nature on these tracks. Currently he teaches in mixed media and the relationship between nature and art as an intrinsic mental need at the Art Academy in Prague, and focuses on immediate creative possibilities based on historical relationships between the humanized landscape and intact nature.

"Of a similar / not in any way herringbone structure, but you can from any picture / from any detail, cross to any other space and from it sail again into / another through layers of sounds, scents, unclear presentiments, with / me so fuzzy with sharp details, which however soon disappear again, / and again after forgetting I return to it from elsewhere / you can traverse the shelves of libraries and abseil lightly to bottomless / strides, where fingers are caves and your thoughts float through / tea leaves in a dish of white sea / reddish by green offshoots of stones I can melt into clear ebonies of / cloud, exactly like crystals to cast, their walls are permeable to flight / I see the ribs of an airship, / a tiny hair of a petalled perianth, on insects, birds, water, wind and rain / around, always around myself / stars and the earth below me / a blue-yellow touch / a purple-green moment / in swirling cones of my eyes all the dust / on this table. // A picture of the world? rather its taste in my mouth / paths linked like silver filaments of mould around my body, sleeping in / the arch of a dark rainbow."

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Miloš Šejn | Českých Bratří 312 | CZ-50601 Jičín | T +420 723 701 658 | milos [at-sign]

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