aktualita Creation – Myth – Art01|03|2025 - 17|05|2025
HYB4 Galerie / Praha

Joint project Czech Institute of Egyptology, Faculty of Arts, Charles University and HYB4 Galerie Kampus Hybernská connects ancient Egyptian texts and contemporary visual arts. 
Memory deposit
27.05. - 27.05.2024  | 6 PM | cinema Ponrepo, Prague
Video of Miloš Šejn's work from 1989–2022
Presented by: Sylva Poláková
Guests: Miloš Šejn, Petr Vaňous

Since the beginning of the 1960s, Miloš Šejn has been subjecting nature to subjective artistic research - whether the historical humanised or the still wild nature. Performances in which the face, inarticulate language or the contact of hands and feet with materials and the given environment are accentuated are combined with expressive drawing and with digital visual means. Deposit of memory is the title of the last exhibition of the still active creator, which took place in the spring of 2024 in the Prague gallery Jilská 14. Under the same title, the Ponrepo cinema will present an author's selection of video works by Miloš Šejn from 1989-2022, in which a dive into his own memories.

The screening will take place with the personal participation of the author Miloš Šejn and in the presence of the curator of the exhibition Petr Vaňous. The event takes place in cooperation with the gallery Jilská 14 (Memory deposit, 6 March - 27 April 2024).

Deposit of Memory
05.03. - 27.04.2024  | Galerie Jilská 14, Prague
curator: Petr Vaňous 
Concret Autumn 2023 – Jana Babincová / Miloš Šejn
07.12.2023 - 25.02.2024  | ART PATRO, Hradec Králové
Curators: Jana Vincencová, Martina Vítková
KOR . KON . TOI . 0 0 1 – Miloš Šejn / Adriena Šimotová
17.11.2023  – 30.04.2024 Galerie Muzea Krkonoš, Vrchlabí
curator: Roman Koucký 
10. 12. 2024 – 31. 1. 2025, ROSSOCINABRO | Via Raffaele Cadorna 28, Roma
curator: Joe Hansen
Frozen Moments / Fluid Time
4. - 27. 11. 2024 | rossocinabro Galleria, Via Raffaele Cadorna 28, Rome
curator: Cristina Madini 
Artists: Solange Aiçaguer, Elaine Asarch, Patricia Canino, Alain Churlaud, Elisa Friman, Elena Furgal, Rebeccah Klodt, Simi Larisch, Hanna Liubinskaya, Fiona Livingstone, Marcus Luconi, Asuman Nuhoğlu, Gerti Papesch, Mages Peter, Gayle Printz,  Philippe Ribiere, Rosalorenza, Milos Sejn, Miyako Shimizu, Tamara Sweere, Josefina Temin, Zahra Tharani
Frozen Moments

Six Postcards
24. 10. 2024 - 1. 7. 2025. DOX Praha
curator: Tereza Nováková 
Concrete Autumn 2024 – Vivat Musica
4.10. – 1.11.2024 Galerie Škroupovka / Filharmonie Hradec Králové 
curator: Jakub Guziur
Concrete Autumn
9. festival performance
28. - 30. 9. 2024 | Galerie Ferdinanda Baumanna, Praha
9. festival performance / Letná
9. festival performance / Veletržák

7° international art symposium
7. - 13. 7. 2024 Sloup, Sloupsko Šošůvské Caves, CZ
 "We only talk to ourselves. We don't talk to the rivers, we don't listen to the wind and the stars. We interrupted a great conversation. By interrupting this conversation, we broke the universe. All the disasters that are happening now are the result of this spiritual 'autism'."
(Thomas Berry)

7° is an international art symposium situated in the environment of the Moravian Karst nature reserve. The name 7° symbolically comes from the temperature that is constant in the caves throughout the year (reported as 7-9°C). The purpose of the festival is to support interdisciplinary dialogue and develop artistic practice related to the themes of prehistoric art, karst caves, sustainable tourism, prehistoric architecture, natural sciences, anthropology, ecology.

The purpose of the festival is to support interdisciplinary dialogue and develop artistic practice related to the themes of prehistoric art, karst caves, sustainable tourism, prehistoric architecture, natural sciences, anthropology, ecology.

Participants in 2024
The jury led by Jana Písaříková and Ondřej Chrobák selected the following participants:

Olga Krása-Ryabets, Kryštof Krása, Lenka Pecharová (CAN, CZ)
Miloš Šejn (CZ)
Thomas Geiger (A)
Rudolf Sikora (SK)
Anna Jurkiewicz (PL)
Roman Zotov-Mikshin (CZ)
Dominik Forman (CZ)
Veronika Hudcová (CZ) 

20.06.2023 | knihkupectví ArtMap, Vojtěšská 196/18, Praha 
Prague Biennale 2021 / Re-connect Art
03.09. 2021 – 07.09.2021 | Prague

curator: Helena Kontová, Jana Orlová, Elis Unique

The Prague Biennale Project 2021, a five-day festival of performance and video art, will take place from the 3rd to 7th of September in thirty locations across Prague. The fourth edition of the festival, subtitled Re-connect Art, will offer reflections on current topics including depersonalised communication, isolation, media ecology, and the relationship between humans and technology. Over fifty artists from around the world will present eleven live performances, five live streams, and over thirty videos. Mariánské náměstí will be the location for a gate that allows for two-way live streaming, connecting the artists and festival visitors directly. Entry to the festival is free of charge. 

Stroking Bodies - An Anatomy of Traces
14. – 15.12. 2024 | Centrum Plující oblaka, Mlýnská 6/3, Praha 6 
A workshop for dancers and artists exploring the relation between body and art by Milos Sejn and Frank van de Ven 
5. – 8. 12. 2024 | PAF – Festival of Film Animation and Contemporary Art, Olomouc
The 23rd edition of PAF Olomouc – Festival of Film Animation and Contemporary Art – will take place from December the 5th to the 8th, 2024. This year's festival theme is Diaries. Diaries can take the form of stories or notes, they can be a purposefully invested work in self-reflection, an unintended consequence of time spent on social networks, or any other form of periodic writing. But all these forms of recording raise the question – are diaries meant to be read?

Diaries take the form of narratives or notes that do not only relate to the calendar’s timeline. Diaries can also function with gaps and pauses in their records. Diaries are a dialogue with technology, where the transformation of thinking takes place based on the touch of keyboards, typewriters, recordings on a camera or a recorder.
Diary as a survival strategy. Diary for sharing. Diary as an emancipation tool. Diary as a manifestation. As a law of attraction. Diary as a memorial device. Diary as a marketing strategy. As a profession. As a source of income. As a promotion tool. Gossips. About you and others. Diary as a description. Of the weather, sport results, achievements, mood. Diary as a habit tracker. Diary for keeping history alive. Diary as an interpretation. Diary as therapy. Diary as telling the stories of others. Diary as telling your story.

Jan Bara / Qow & Theo Alexander Stepan Broz / Jeanie Crystal / DJ GÄP / Michelle Williams Gamaker / Julia Grybos / Honour / Andrea Pruchova Hruzova / Basim Magdy / Zein Majali / Olan Monk / Nicoleta Mures / Sylva Poláková / Emily Pope / George Finlay Ramsay / RRRR+A / Milos Sejn / Coby Sey / Marie Sprinc / Petr Sprinc / Medard Zeman / Barbora Zentkova / Isama Zing 
22. – 23.10. 2024 | Brno House of Art, Dům pánů z Kunštatu
SCREENING: Michal Baumbruck / Michael Bielicky / Sara Bonaventura / Michal Cab / Milan Gustar / Slavo Krekovic / Kof Krystof Pesek / Milos Sejn / Nadja Slovak / Steina & Woody Vasulka / David Stout / Lucie Svobodova  
Bohemiae Rosa
26.08. – 31.08.2024 | S i t e B o d y E x p l o r a t i o n
Lusatian and Zittau Mountains – The Czech Republic & Germany & Poland
International Interdisciplinary Open–Air Workshop for artists and dancers exploring the relation between body, art and landscape led by

Frank van de Ven & Milos Sejn
Bohemiae Rosa
25.08. - 30.08.2023 | Landscape & Memory - Bohemian Paradise & Isara River  
Rivers, Streams, Puddles
03.06.2019 | Muzeum východních Čech v Hradci Králové, Eliščino nábřeží 465, Hradec Králové

Lecture and discussion with Václav Cílek & Miloš Šejn
on Monday, June 3, 2019, at about 10 o'clock in the morning 
Organizer: Klub konkretistů 

15.10.2018 | BLACK ROSE BOOKS, Montreal, Canada

Art Space Ecology: Two Views--Twenty Interviews embraces the international context of today’s art making and, through the medium of interviews, encourages readers to engage directly with nature-focused creators and their artistic processes. The twenty artists, though diverse in backgrounds and methods, all produce works that are either embedded in the environment or that document our ever-changing landscapes. In these interviews, Grande explores the motivations that inspire artists to use the natural world as their canvas and how their works explore the intersections of art, space, and the environment, raising questions about our relationship with the landscapes themselves. An engaging introduction by Edward Lucie-Smith, English writer, poet, art critic, curator and broadcaster, sets the stage for these artists to share about the artistic processes of their works.

Table of Contents

Foreword by Edward Lucie-Smith;
Introduction by John K. Grande;
Paul Walde - Requiem for a Glacier
Jason deCaires Taylor - Rising Waters
Jan-Erik Andersson - Form Follows Fun
Milos Sejn - Walking Past Babylon
Buster Simpson - It’s About Habitat
Peter Hutchinson - With Nature in Mind
Joshua Portway & Lise Autogena - Environments in Conflict
Chris Booth - Sculpture in Ecolution
The Harrisons - How Big is Here?
Pilar Ovalle - Nature In Place
Michael Nicoll Yahgulanaas – Best to Love Bugs
David Maisel - Tapping Topography
Alan Sonfist - Culture Nature
David Mach - DISRUPTOR
Haesim Kim - Contemplating Nature
NILS-UDO - Towards Nature
Gyenis Tibor - Photo Actionism
Dennis Oppenheim - Putting the Public Back into Public Art
Robert Polidori - Ars Memoria
Henrique Oliveira - Being and Form

Paperback ISBN: 978-1-55164-696-1
Hardcover ISBN: 978-1-55164-698-5
Ebook ISBN: 978-1-55164-700-5 


"Grande offers an eclectic global perspective in the book, whether it's Jason deCaires Taylor's underwater sculptures in the Canary Islands or Milos Sejn's Solar Mountain, a site for contemplation and renewal in the Czech Republic. . . . Timely, and the conversations engaging."
– Galleries West

"No significant movement in art remains independent of social and historical forces. Nor can it remain independent of surrounding related artistic impulses, which may not be pursuing the same ends. These are things that emerge clearly from John K. Grande’s fascinating series of interviews with artists working in this field. Ecological art and Land Art have a much longer history than most experts on contemporary culture are willing to suppose.... Other parallels can be found in the historical record of non-European cultures, especially in China and Japan, where landscape occupies the central position in art that Europe, since the Greeks, has accorded to the human figure."
– Art & Museum

"Whatever the medium under consideration, whether sculpture, organic interventions, performance art, body art, or technically complex installations, the discussions he choreographs in his new books explore and reveal the often mysterious motivations behind the maker’s making and unearths their intentions in a gentle yet dramatic manner. This book demonstrates clearly that in the end, or even more so, in the beginning, the natural world is our original and implicit canvas.
By examining the powerful intersections between art, technology and biology itself, he manages to reveal the deep questions that drive each artist forward. Perhaps the biggest question, and the most commonly recurring one: what is the most appropriate relationship we have or should have to the landscape? Not as something we live on, but as a place we should live with."

This book is a field guide for artists working with nature, or addressing issues of the natural world in performance, video, painting, sculpture, installation or body art. The natural world becomes a canvas for exploring the intersections of art, space, and the environment. Questions about our relationship with land are raised by the dynamic interactivity and dialogues between John K. Grande and the artists: object and environment, artist and audience, society and nature.
– Arte.Es Magazine, Spain

"John Grande's international renown as a critic, curator and cultural commentator is hard earned and well deserved. His own observations, as well as the important artists he shares with us in this collection of twenty inter-views, is all about our active engagement in the natural environment. The delicate balance and proportional harmony so clearly in evidence in his questions and the artist's answers often feels like a carefully crafted dance between the heart and the head."
– Critics at Large 
Architecture and the Senses
12.–14.10.2018 | Plasy Monastery, CZ  

Seminar, Workshops, Discussion

Agosto Foundation

Miloš Šejn: A Nightingale with a Flat Flight, Path in Translation

I record a moment of the nightingale’s living space. I have entered his house, his home. Reflections of vegetation, overhanging willows, and viburnums on the surface of the water say something of our, yes, perhaps our dialogue. I don’t know what the avian beings truly see and feel, but I am enraptured by the visual impression of this moment. When I wake up early in the morning, I lie on my bed and the branches from the garden stretch in from the window, clouds, the first rays of sun, and birdsong, it’s a perfect situation. Half asleep, loved ones and acquaintances approach, my consciousness is just as much between corporeality as between a dream and the consciousness of the house. I don’t know how the singing birds perceive this moment, and I know even less how long it has been since people have tried to capture this musical stream of speech in their own language – probably since time immemorial. Various languages and dialects hear something different each time. What follows are examples of translations of nightingales from the history of ornithology. And do we hear today at least some of a fragment of the nightingale’s building of a house?

25.08.2018 – 30.08.2018 | S i t e B o d y E x p l o r a t i o n
THE GOLDEN MOUNTAUNS – The Czech Republic & Poland

International Interdisciplinary Open–Air Workshop for dancers and artists exploring the relation among body, art and landscape led by Frank van de Ven and Milos Sejn.

Bohemiae Rosa
14.07.2017 – 22.07.2017 | Sykora/s Počedělice 
Ohre River – The Czech Republic

Open–Air Meeting of landscape painting
Curated by Lenka Sýkorová 

(Post)Land Art and the Anthropocene
06.11.2017 | Agosto Foundation – Kino NFA Ponrepo, Bartolomějská 291/11, Prague
6 November 2017, 8 PM


Troublemakers: The Story of Land Art, 2015 / 68:00 – Set in the desolate desert spaces of the American southwest, the film unearths the history of land art during the tumultuous late 1960s and early 1970s. Troublemakers is ultimately a story of renegades and firebrands all willing to risk their future careers on radical change and experimentation-a marked contrast to the hyper-speculative contemporary art world of today. Featuring rare interviews with a veritable who's who of American Art of the twentieth century. – Vito Acconci, Carl Andre, Germano Celant, Paula Cooper, Walter de Maria, Virginia Dwan, Gianfranco Gorgoni, Michael Heizer, Nancy Holt, Dennis Oppenheim, Charles Ross, Pamela Sharp, Robert Smithson, Harald Szeemann, Lawrence Weiner

Homeostasis / 23:00 – Homeostasis is a film essay devoted to the morphology of the landscape under the Ore Mountains in the North Bohemian Region. The film is composed of material that was captured during the Frontiers of Solitude International Symposium held in autumn 2017. – Milos Vojtechovsky, Dominik Zizka, Vladimir Turner, Michal Kindernay

ECHOES, 1979 / 5:19 / Milos Sejn – A reflection of sunbeams on water surface, cast on a rock. The hallucinatory gazing at one place for a long time. Digital transfer of a Super8 colour film.
States of mind without barriers
14.09.2017 | GASK / Galerie středočeského kraje, Kutná Hora, CZ

14. září 2017 (čtvrtek) od 18.00 hodin / Když jdou děti spát: Cesta do přírody. Ve čtvrteční večerní výtvarné dílně pro rodiče navážeme na komentovanou prohlídku ve stavu mysli meditace a hlavním zdrojem inspirace bude dílo malíře a performera Miloše Šejna.

Milos Šein: Landscape Monochromes, 1988
States of mind without barriers
05.09.2017 | GASK / Galerie středočeského kraje, Kutná Hora, CZ

5. září 2017 (úterý) od 11.00 hodin / Stavy mysli bez bariér – komentovaná prohlídka stálé expozice Stavy mysli / Za obrazem pro rodiče s malými dětmi. V září si budeme povídat ve stavech mysli MEDITACE, kde jsou vřazeni umělci Vladimír Kokolia, Miloš Šejn, Jan Kubíček, Jindřich Zeithamml, Luděk Fillipský, Olga Karlíková nebo Stanislav Kolíbal. Na Stavy mysli bez bariér bude navazovat další týden ve čtvrtek 14. září výtvarná dílna Když jdou děti spát.

25.08.2017 – 31.08.2017 | S i t e B o d y E x p l o r a t i o n
MORAWA RIVER – The Czech Republic

International Interdisciplinary Open–Air Workshop for dancers and artists exploring the relation among body, art and landscape led by Frank van de Ven and Milos Sejn.

Morawa River, under the water video, Milos Sejn, 2013
Bohemiae Rosa 2017
Sýkorovy Počedělice 2017
15.07.2017 – 23.07.2017 | Sykora/s Počedělice 
Ohre River – The Czech Republic

Open–Air Meeting of landscape painting
Curated by Lenka Sýkorová

19.04.2017 - 24.04.2017 | Open-air workshop for students of the School of Architecture I, Academy of Arts, Architecture & Design in Prague

The work in this studio adheres to the principle that architecture is not about walls but about the space between them. In A1, we emphasize the method of thinking - from the initial analysis to a possible protest or opposition and the search for an adequate means of expression for the given function in the given context. With the right method, an architect can handle extensive comprehensive tasks across all genres and regardless of the format. The workshop develops talent and respect to technical disciplines as well as social sciences. Our aim is to educate fully integrated personalities. Talent, expert knowledge and willingness to learn after the studies should be the main characteristics of Architecture I graduates.
UMPRUM / Department of Architecture / Architecture1
30.11. 2016 | Balbineum, Židovská 100, Jičín
13. – 18. 09. 2016 | Body/Landscape
Inish Oirr Aran Islands – Ireland


01.09.2016 – 04.09.2016 | L a n d s c a p e  E x p l o r a t i o n
Lhotka u Berouna – The Czech Republic


05.09.2016 – 10.09.2016 | S i t e B o d y E x p l o r a t i o n
The Golden Mountains (Rychlebské hory) – The Czech Republic & Poland 

International Interdisciplinary Open–Air Workshop for dancers and artists exploring the relation among body, art and landscape led by Frank van de Ven and Milos Sejn.


Waterfalls of the Silver creek, photo Stok
14.–17.07.2016 | Dolní Vítkovice / Galerie Jaroslava Fragnera, Czech Republic

The cultural landscape at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague
křest DVD ČESKÉ AKČNÍ UMĚNÍ. Filmy a videa, 1956–1989
12.02.2016 – 12.02.2016 | Veletržní Palace, National Gallery in Prague

DVD ČESKÉ AKČNÍ UMĚNÍ. Filmy a videa, 1956–1989

Zastoupení autoři: Vladimír Ambroz, Vladimír Boudník, Eugen Brikcius, Josef Daněk a Blahoslav Rozbořil, Milan Grygar, Vladimír Havlík, Lumír Hladík, Milan Knížák, Křižovnická škola čistého humoru bez vtipu, Rudolf Němec, Tomáš Ruller, Zorka Ságlová, Jiří Sozanský, Miloš Šejn, Robert Wittmann

Koncepce a texty: Pavlína Morganová, Terezie Nekvindová, Sláva Sobotovičová
Vydává: Akademie výtvarných umění v Praze, Vědecko-výzkumné pracoviště (VVP AVU)
Technická spolupráce: Viktor Takáč
Grafická úprava: Dita Lamačová
Překlady: Stephan von Pohl

28.05.2016 | Sv. Jan pod Skalou / National Gallery in Prague

Creative plein air in Svatý Jan pod Skalou in the footsteps of the Mánes family. Guides through the landscape will Miloš Šejn and Monika Sybolová. The workshop takes place in the context of accompanying programs to the exhibition GENEROSITY. THE ART OF GIVING.

Antoní Mánes: Sv. Jan pod Skalou, 1835
11.09.2015 - 12.09.2015 | Školská 28, Communication space, Prague / Jezeří, Czech Republic
Recollection of Jezeří / Eisenberg Arboretum

The upcoming interdisciplinary project Frontiers of Solitude focuses on contemporary transformations of the landscape and the close connections between our civilization and nature. These themes are elaborated in terms of the geography and morphology of the three specific areas of central and northern Europe. The project includes creative residencies and workshops in selected areas of the Czech Republic, Iceland and Norway. The aim of these residences and workshops is to explore long-term transformations of the land, as represented for example in the industrialized landscapes of northern Bohemia, changes in the ethnic profile of the population, and the loss of historical structures. The workshops around the town of Alta in northern Norway and the east coast of Iceland take place in areas where the effects and traces of industrialization have been felt, for the most part, only in recent decades.
The outcomes of the project, in which artists from the Czech Republic, Norway and Iceland will participate, will be presented at the beginning of 2016 at an exhibition at the Školská 28 Gallery in Prague. Documentation, new art works, interpretations and the results of workshops will be presented. An exhibition catalog will include documentary videos and sound recordings, texts on contemporary art, ecology and the environmental sciences.

The project is a joint initiative of the association Deai/setkání, the Atelier Nord and the Skaftfell Center for Visual Arts in Iceland, and the project is supported by a grant from the EEG.


Atelier Nord focuses on new media art, especially high-technology art, characterized by an experimental attitude in the means of production, distribution and presentation. Atelier Nord creates the conditions for producing and distributing new media art, and its dissemination, and operates something like Školská 28 and NoD, but within an international context.

The Skaftfell Center for Visual Art is founded alongside an international residency program for the creation of exhibitions, cultural and educational events, such as mapping local activities and initiatives in the field of contemporary art in relation to environmental activities. The Skaftfell Center is located in a natural and cultural environment, in which contemporary art is closely linked with the questions of threats to the environments, and to traditional values and ways of life. Creative residencies for visitors from abroad on the east coast of Iceland will be an opportunity for a deeper understanding of this specific cultural and social situation in which people in Iceland find themselves.

This project is supported by grants from Iceland, Lichtenstein and Norway under the framework of EHP funding.


03.09.2015 - 13.09.2015 | Deutsch-Tschechisches Künstlersyposiums im Bayerischen Wald gewidmet dem Phänomen der Wildnis

International Interdisciplinary Open-Air Workshop led by Katharina Dietlinger, Milos Sejn, Marketa Vackova and Pavel Storch.
Nationalpark Bayerischer Wald, Germany


Europas Urwälder 2/5 - Bayerns neue Wildnis
23.08.2015 - 28.08.2015 | S i t e B o d y E x p l o r a t i o n
The Elbe Sandstone Mountains - The Czech Republic & Germany

International Interdisciplinary Open-Air Workshop for dancers and artists exploring the relation among body, art and landscape led by Frank van de Ven, Milos Sejn and Václav Cílek as a guest.

The table mountain Lilienstein is the symbol of the Saxon Switzerland National Park, photo by Frank Richter
Sykora/s Pocedelice
11.07.2015 - 18.07.2015 | Sykora/s Počedělice
Ohre River – The Czech Republic

Open–Air Meeting of landscape painting
Curated by Lenka Sýkorová

23.5.2015 | Blanenská sýpka, Centrum kultury & vzdělávání Blatná 388 01, CZ

Budeme zkoumat krajinu Blatenska nejen na mapách a v příbězích, které v současné době sbíráme od místních rodáků i přespolních, ale i z hlediska toho, co pro nás v dnešní době krajina znamená, jak se vyvíjel vztah k ní v posledních sto letech a jestli se některé krajinné struktury a místa ještě dají zachránit, když si jich budeme všímat,  pečovat o ně, hýčkat si svou paměť krajiny...

Kontribuční sýpka Blatná

Environmental Art Symposium
18.03. 2015 - 20.03.2015 | Galerie kritiků / Palác Adria, Prague

John K. Grande, Ryszard Litwiniuk, Vladimír Merta, Attlia Pokorny, Milos Šein, Ute Ritschel
The Meeting With Books
15.12.2014 | Academy of Arts, Architecture & Design in Prague
From Milos Šein Archives

Type Design and Typography (room 305)
Monday, December 15, 2014 in 4/6 pm

M. Šein: A Small Key To Heaven For A Female Person, book was published in 1807, transformed in 2014


Traces / Traces / Traces
11.12.2014 | Galerie Rudolfinum, Prague, Czech Republic

Přednáška a prezentace v rámci výstavy Ana Mendieta - Traces/Stopy

Prezentace autora, sebeinterpretující zejména kořeny práce s tělovostí v průběhu šedesátých a sedmdesátých let dvacátého století a klíčové inspirace, související také s velmi osobitým nazíráním detailů filmové poetiky v tvorbě Ingmara Bergmana, Františka Vláčila, Akira Kurosawy a dalších. Odtud možná vychází jeden z podstatných impulzů pro zauzlení místa, času a performujících bytostí takovým způsobem, aby je bylo možné pojmenovat termínem pomíjivá tělová plastika, přestože dokumentační média obrazového či zvukového záznamu takového okamžiku hrají další trasformující roli. A nebo je to také vše úplně jinak.

Exhibition organised by the Hayward Gallery, London
in collaboration with the Galerie Rudolfinum, Prague

Curated by Stephanie Rosenthal,
Chief Curator, Hayward Gallery

M. Šein: Rock/Body, 1972, silver bromide emulsion on paper; Waterfall, 1996, color slide

Galerie Rudolfinum / Alšovo nábřeží 12 / 110 01  Praha 1
tel. +420 227 059 205 / fax. +420 222 319 293

15.09.2014 - 20.09.2014 | S i t e B o d y E x p l o r a t i o n
Lusatian and Zittauer Mountains - The Czech Republic & Germany & Poland

International Interdisciplinary Open-Air Workshop for dancers and artists exploring the relation among body, art and landscape led by Frank van de Ven, Milos Sejn and Václav Cílek as a guest.

Carl Gustav Carus: Window at Oybin Castle in the moonlight, 1828
more information

28.08.2014 - 07.09.2014 | Tummelplatz, Deutsch-Tschechisches Künstlersyposiums im Bayerischen Wald gewidmet dem Phänomen der Wildnis

International Interdisciplinary Open-Air Workshop led by Milos Sejn, Marketa Vackova and Pavel Storch.
Tummelplatz / Nationalpark Bayerischer Wald

more information

Sykora/s Pocedelice
12.07.2014 - 18.07.2014 | Sykora's Pocedelice
Ohre River - The Czech Republic

Open-Air Meeting of landscape painting
Curated by Lenka Sýkorová

pdfSykora_s Pocedelice 2014.pdf
24.08.2013 - 30.08.2013 | S i t e B o d y E x p l o r a t i o n
The Elbe Sandstone Mountains - The Czech Republic & Germany

International Interdisciplinary Open-Air Workshop for dancers and artists exploring the relation among body, art and landscape led by Frank van de Ven, Milos Sejn and Václav Cílek as a guest.

The table mountain Lilienstein is the symbol of the Saxon Switzerland National Park, photo by Frank Richter


28.02.2013 | Academy of Fine Arts in Prague
U Akademie 8, Prague 7, main hall 05.30 p.m.

water spring   body   metamorphosis
landscape   building  garden  theater  landscape
place  book  tree

HE WHO LAUGHS Art about the art world
05.12.2012 | VITRÍNA DENISKA, Pastische Filmz, AAP AVU, Filmový sál Uměleckého centra Konvikt, Olomouc

VITRÍNA DENISKA, Pastiche Filmz a VVP AVU zvou na přehlídku videoartu

přehlídka proběhne ve středu 5. 12. 2012 v 19.00
ve Filmovém sále Uměleckého centra Konvikt v Olomouci, Univerzitní 3

KDO SE SMĚJE. Umění o světě umění
Promítací večer představí videa „na druhou“ – díla, která míří dovnitř uměleckého světa nebo kličkují v terénu popsaném dějinami umění. Komentář důvěrně známého prostředí nebo dialog s „předky“ skrze citování či přímo apropriaci jejich děl někdy působí jako samomluva, jindy jako hloubková meditace. S  tíhou kánonů  se umělci vyrovnávají sarkastickými glosami, recepty na úspěch i znovuzažíváním přímé zkušenosti. Mytizují sami sebe anebo naopak ironizují mučivost vlastních ambicí. Není poznat, kdo se směje naposled a kdo se směje nejlíp.
Zastoupení umělci: Jesper Alvaer, Adéla Babanová, Ondřej Brody a Kristofer Paetau, Jan Brož, Vladimír Havlík, Anetta Mona Chişa a Lucia Tkáčová, Zuzana Krkošková, František Lozinski o. p. s., Ján Mančuška, Marek Meduna, Michal Pěchouček, Rafani, Miloš Šejn a Pavel Švec.
Uvedou kurátorky výběru Terezie Nekvindová a Sláva Sobotovičová

A jako bonus promítneme po přestávce Smrt v uhlí z připravovaného DVD filmů Víta Soukupa.

Hra s klišé českých detektivních filmů i normalizačních seriálů. Na Ostravsku se stane vražda. Zkušený kapitán Turinský z Prahy (postava mezi radou Vašátkem, majorem Kalašem a inspektorem Trachtou) a jeho asistent Šlemra dlouho neúspěšně pátrají po viníkovi, až díky náhodnému svědkovi konečně zjistí pravdu. Průmyslově zdevastovaná krajina, ve které se příběh odehrává, má silný emotivní náboj. V její bezútěšnosti se  brutalita postav zdá logická: „Prostředí prostě jedince poznamená.“
Hrají: Hana Puchová, Jiří Surůvka, Jan Materna, Pavel Noga, Vít Soukup, Adam Hlaváč ad.

Střih: Jan Svoboda jr., Jan Hoch / Kamera: Kateřina Bažantová, Václav Krejčí / Scénář a režie: Vít Soukup

Více informací na: <>
Ve spolupráci s: Vědecko-výzkumné pracoviště Akademie výtvarných umění v Praze (VVP AVU):

Documentation of Art
05.12.2012 | Fakulta umění a designu
Univerzity J. E. Purkyně, Pasteurova 9, 400 96 Ústí nad Labem

Program konference:
10.30 zahájení
10.40 Hana Buddeus − K funkci dokumentace v době normalizace
11.20 Tomáš Ruller – Peripetie dokumentace
12.00 Jan Mlčoch − Fotografové a fotografky v netradičních uměleckých aktivitách

12.40−14.00 pauza

14.00 Jiří Kovanda − Nejdřív to byl jen kus papíru
14.40 Miloš Šejn − Záznamy & záznamy
15.20 Vladimír Havlík − Návrat aury uměleckého díla skrze mýtus o jeho pomíjivosti aneb performerovy pochyby nad „obratem k dokumentaci“

Datum a místo konání: 5. prosince 2012, Fakulta umění a designu
Univerzity J. E. Purkyně, Pasteurova 9, 400 96 Ústí nad Labem, místnost č. 509 (4. patro)

Na konferenci navazuje výstava DOKUMENTACE, která bude zahájena 5. prosince 2012 v 18 hodin v Galerii NF, Resslova 1717/8, Ústí nad Labem.

14.11.2012 | Studio of Sculpture AAAD in Prague, 18:30


TOWARDS THE IMAGE - Photography in Central Europe
23.10.2012 - 24.10.2012 | International Academic Conference / Kraków

International Academic Conference “TOWARDS THE IMAGE - Photography in Central Europe” 23-24 October 2012 Organizers: Faculty of Art of the Pedagogical University in Kraków in the name of the National Education Commission; the Institute of Printmaking and Graphic Design, the Multimedia Department and the “Kwadrat” science & artistic students association
Collaboration: The Walery Rzewuski Museum of the History of Photography in Kraków

Academic Committee of the Conference:
Professor Grażyna Brylewska, Department of Graphic and Visual Design, Faculty of Art of the PU
Professor Halina Cader-Pawłowska, the Multimedia Department, and the Faculty of Art of the PU
Professor Marcin Pawłowski, Department of Artistic Printmaking and Drawing, Faculty of Art of the PU
Rafał Solewski, Ph.D., Department of Art Education and Art Theory, Faculty of Art of the PU Beata Długosz, Ph.D., of the Multimedia Department, Faculty of Art of the PU
Marek Janczyk, M.A., Museum of the History of Photography in Kraków

The conference will be focused around the following subjects:
- the iconic turn in contemporary aesthetics and artistic practice
- photography as a communicative space
- photography in the realm of art
- art of moving image
- photography as a work in process
- contemporary language of photography
- gender and the aesthetics of photography/ image
- the concept of the experiment in contemporary photography
- the avant-garde tradition in Central European countries
- teaching photography at Central European learning institutions

The topic of the conference, contained within the expression "The Image’s Way", can be understood in many ways, literally and metaphorically. It can be understood as a reference to various methods of making photographic images, the language used by contemporary photography, and its relationship with other media. The effort may also be made to assess the photographic image as an aesthetic object, for example in the context of social art. A fundamental element of the conference will be the attempt to present a picture of the situation in which photography found itself after the iconic turn that took place in aesthetics and artistic practice at the turn of the twenty-first century.
All of the above subjects may be viewed in reference to central European art. The aim of the conference is the analysis of many aspects in which the photography of the region may be viewed. Is it a phenomena that is separate on a European scale, or a worldwide scale? Does the modernist tradition have meaning for today's artists in the Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, and Hungary? How and to what extent has the concept of the photographic experiment changed since the times of modernism? Are the ideas of the avant garde present in photography education programmes at Central European learning institutions?
The construct of "The Image’s Way” remains a delicate reference to the title of Marcel Proust’s novel “Swann’s Way” as a metaphor of the fluid boundary between the present and the past.

The academic meeting will take place on the 23rd and 24th of October 2012 from 9 AM to 3 PM at the Auditorium of Professor W. Danek at the Pedagogical University at Podchorążych 2 street in Kraków. The two-day meeting will be accompanied by exhibits and multimedia show in the galleries and around the city. After the conference an academic review publication will be put out.

Contact information:
Photography Studio Professor Halina Cader-Pawłowska
Beata Długosz, Ph.D.
tel: +48 12 662 69 59 (Monday 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM Wednesday 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM, Thursday 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM)

21.09.2012 - 23.09.2012 | Domaslav / Tachov, Czech Republic
7th workshoph about ladscaping and public space

Atelier Aeroplan

06.09.2012 - 15.09.2012 | Tummelplatz, Deutsch-Tschechisches Künstlersyposiums im Bayerischen Wald gewidmet dem Phänomen der Wildnis

Tummelplatz / Nationalpark Bayerischer Wald
participation: Miloš Šejn & Markéta Vacková

more information
pdf2012 tummelplatz opening.pdf
Bohemiae Rosa
26.08.2012 - 01.09.2012 | S i t e B o d y E x p l o r a t i o n
Bohemian Paradise - Hruba Skala - Czech Republic

International Interdisciplinary Open-Air Workshop for dancers and artists exploring the relation among body, art and landscape led by Frank van de Ven, Milos Sejn and guest teacher
Václav Cílek

Supported by Bohemiae Rosa Foundation - Ministery of Culture in Czech Republic - European geopark UNESCO Bohemian Paradise - Bohemian Paradise National Reserve

Since 1995 Milos Sejn and Frank van de Ven have co-operated in their bi-annual interdisciplinary open air Body-Site-Exploration projects in various National Reserves in the Czech Republic (Kokorin Valley, Plasy Monastery, Bohemian Karst, Bechyne Monastery with the Luznice River, Bohemian Paradise, Sumava Mountains and Krkonose Mountains) known as the Bohemiae Rosa Project. 

This 8th edition of the Bohemiae Rosa Project, which will take place in an area known from the end of 19th century as „Bohemian Paradise“, will evolve in the famous historical landscape with figurative rocks, caves, valleys, brooks, forests, groves and meadows. Walking and working in the Bohemian Paradise, we investigate the historical relation of Body and Landscape and its signification and relation to contemporary Performing Arts.

The program will include:
•    MB -(mind/body, muscles/bones) dance training
•    practice of and reflection on physical and mental training
•    walking and wandering, silent walk, pilgrimage and nocturnal journeys
•    various modes of experiencing body, movement and landscape
•    investigating divergent senses of space and time
•    peripatetic records, drawing, writing, immediate contact with surroundings
•    mental topography of a location, myth, archaic mind and genius loci
•    geology, archaeology and history of the Bohemian Paradise as a model of self: layers, vertical connections and labyrinths

An integral part of the workshop will be the individual artistic projects that participants are encouraged to formulate and work on for about 1 to 2 hours a day. (in the fields architecture, landscape art, dance, performance, photography, sculpture, theatre, visual arts, biology and natural history). The workshop leaders are available to guide and support these processes.

The body is a landscape in itself moving within the larger frame of the given surrounding environment. The vertical and horizontal layering of the (historical) landscape invites us to reflect upon our own layers and connections of self and imagination.

Participants profile: for artists and advanced students working in the fields of performance, dance, landscape art, sculpture, photography, architecture, theatre, visual arts, biology and natural history

Bohemiae Rosa - September 11

White Water Banks
10.08.2012 - 12.08.2012 | Bílé břehy / Polabí, Czech Republic
Second annual interdisciplinary meeting in Elbe river landscape, using buildings and civil engineering around the shores of White Water Banks reservoir for the emergence of responses to discussion and interdisciplinary topics

White Water Banks

28.07. - 06.08.2012  | Ježkov u Zábřezí / Trutnov, CZ
Poetic wandering through The Prachovské Rocks, Bohemian Paradise / 01.08.2012

Czech Radio
wien international
Knowing I loved my BOOKS...
22.05.2012 | The Brno House of Art

Dům umění města Brna
, Malinovského nám. 2, 602 00 Brno
GPS  49°11'46.541"N, 16°36'52.933"E
T (00420) 542 213 883
F (00420) 515 917 565

Jamboree Řimsologicae
11.02.2012  | U Špačků Beer Hall, Kubišova 59, Prague Libeň

Jamboree on occasion of 40th anniversary of Societas Contraacoholica Doctoris Řimsae foundation.



On a different soil. Growth in art, society and culture
10.11. - 11.11.2011 | New Stage of National Theatre, Prague

An international conference, organized within the framework of the project TIK – Time Inventors’ Kabinet, and as an accompanying program of Science and Technology Week 2011

Thursday November 10
Utopia of the garden. Urban and rural gardens and today’s green utopias

Could one say that art degenerates as it approaches gardening? (Robert Smithson – A Sedimentation of the Mind: Earth Projects, 1968)

The aim of the conference is to look at the changing approaches to the soil, and the subjects of growth and growing in society, culture and art, in urban and rural contexts. At the same time, we try to challenge the simplyfiying concepts of nature and natural, as presented in the arts. It is often in the arts though, where the various influential phantasies concerning nature emerge.

We want to confront artistic approaches with views by ecologists, biologists, eco-activists, economists, non profit organizations and foundations, about subjects like: (city) gardening and agriculture, transformation of city flora and fauna, relationship between urban and rural, philosophies of the garden, sustainability of cities and villages, long-term growth in economics (participatory economics, economical de-growth, natural capitalism etc.).

Artists often comment on the dissolving of the natural, cultural, and technological. Artistic approaches are often used as a political tool in the praxis of transforming the environment. Can aesthetics play a key role in the process. How and for what purposes are the newly emerging green spaces used by artists? To what extend are visions of the cities-as-gardens and its inhabitants in the roles of gardeners, just another utopian phantasy? How do the actual city forms of gardening look like: green spaces with open access (open greens), guerilla gardening, rooftop or vertical gardens, (so called) beautifying alliances. How are the permacultural processes reflected in the city planning? What are the most inspiring models of ecological towns and villages?

Friday November 11
In the wind. Art of the ecological time

Discussions about ecological time, slow food, growth and de-growth. Presentation of art projects – artists as gardeners, beekeepers, fruiters, farmers, growers, mushroom pickers, cooks, herbalists, barometers and indicators of pollution…

Bohemiae Rosa
10.09.2011 - 16.09.2011 | S i t e B o d y E x p l o r a t i o n
Bohemian Paradise - Hruba Skala - Czech Republic

International Interdisciplinary Open-Air Workshop for dancers and artists exploring the relation among body, art and landscape led by Frank van de Ven, Milos Sejn and guest teacher
Václav Cílek

Supported by Bohemiae Rosa Foundation - Ministery of Culture in Czech Republic - European geopark UNESCO Bohemian Paradise - Bohemian Paradise National Reserve

Since 1995 Milos Sejn and Frank van de Ven have co-operated in their bi-annual interdisciplinary open air Body-Site-Exploration projects in various National Reserves in the Czech Republic (Kokorin Valley, Plasy Monastery, Bohemian Karst, Bechyne Monastery with the Luznice River, Bohemian Paradise, Sumava Mountains and Krkonose Mountains) known as the Bohemiae Rosa Project. 

This 8th edition of the Bohemiae Rosa Project, which will take place in an area known from the end of 19th century as „Bohemian Paradise“, will evolve in the famous historical landscape with figurative rocks, caves, valleys, brooks, forests, groves and meadows. Walking and working in the Bohemian Paradise, we investigate the historical relation of Body and Landscape and its signification and relation to contemporary Performing Arts.

The program will include:
•    MB -(mind/body, muscles/bones) dance training
•    practice of and reflection on physical and mental training
•    walking and wandering, silent walk, pilgrimage and nocturnal journeys
•    various modes of experiencing body, movement and landscape
•    investigating divergent senses of space and time
•    peripatetic records, drawing, writing, immediate contact with surroundings
•    mental topography of a location, myth, archaic mind and genius loci
•    geology, archaeology and history of the Bohemian Paradise as a model of self: layers, vertical connections and labyrinths

An integral part of the workshop will be the individual artistic projects that participants are encouraged to formulate and work on for about 1 to 2 hours a day. (in the fields architecture, landscape art, dance, performance, photography, sculpture, theatre, visual arts, biology and natural history). The workshop leaders are available to guide and support these processes.

The body is a landscape in itself moving within the larger frame of the given surrounding environment. The vertical and horizontal layering of the (historical) landscape invites us to reflect upon our own layers and connections of self and imagination.

Participants profile: for artists and advanced students working in the fields of performance, dance, landscape art, sculpture, photography, architecture, theatre, visual arts, biology and natural history

Amandine Meneau & Marta Pujol Quetglas - July 08

20.08.2011 - 22.08.2011 | Kaple Sv. Ducha / Liběchov

Oživení místa setkáním s názvem Kaple 2011 proběhne ve dvou fázích.
Nejprve dojde k vymalování a vyklizení prostor lodě kostela, kdy se za pomoci místních dobrovolníků kostel dostane do pozice ,,prázdné nerozbité nádoby“.
V druhé fázi dojde k naplnění sakrálního prostoru - nádoby tvůrčím duchem, za pomoci třídenního intenzivního setkání mladých architektů, výtvarných umělců a zvláště hudebníků.
Aktivace prostoru proběhne formou třídenní nepřetržité audio-vizuální performance, která bude vycházet z historických reálií na skalním ostrohu, stejně jako z topografie okolní krajiny.

Curated by Jan Trejbal & Marek Přikryl

Artists / Scientists / Writers: Adéla Součková, Adéla Taubelová, Aleš Čermák, ASSTMA - Jakš Filip, Barbora Šimonová, BBNU, Martin Janíček & Petr Ferenc, David Helán, Gustar, IUCH - Ida Čapounová, Jakub Geltner, Jan Kilián, Jan Trejbal, Ján Valík, Jana Doležalová, Janek Rous, Jaroslav Kosek, Josef Dudek, Josef Janáček, Katerina +, lunchmeat, Jiří Sádlo, Šárka Bínová, Magda Deverová, Martin Ptáčník, Matyáš Chochola, Michal Cáb, Erik Sikora, Michal Kuzemenský, Miloš Šejn, Věra Šejnová, Miloš Vojtěchovský, NE - I +, OPUKA, Petr Valer, radim radim, Tereza Varvařovská, Lucie Zikmundová, The Maja, Veronika, Veronika Bromová, Viktor Fuček, Viktor Takáč, ZWEI, Takáčová + Nováčková, Vítězslav Štajnochr, Anna Hábová, Barbora Simonová, Magda Deverová, Petr Valer, Pavel Humhal, Martin Ptáčník, Jsem ve Hvězdě, Wolf translucent

Works of Milos Sejn: Liběchov Olympus, Maritus et Vxor Seinii

10.08.2011 - 20.08.2011 | Tummelplatz, Deutsch-Tschechisches Künstlersyposiums im Bayerischen Wald gewidmet dem Phänomen der Wildnis

Tummelplatz / Nationalpark Bayerischer Wald

Art Safari 21
18.06.2011 - 19.06.2011 | BUBEC sculpture studio, Prague, Czech Republic


Work of M. Šejn: WELLS / BELLS for The St. Prokopus Valley, 2002

Sunday Juny 19:
16:00 LANDARTLAND, Symposion about Landscape and Art

Radouňova 1, 155 00, Praha 5, Czech Republic
Tel/fax: (+420) 251 625 815

16.02.2011 | Uppsala Art Museum

curated by Elisabeth Fagerstedt

Artists: Boris Nieslony, Jason Lim, Hiroko Tsuchimoto, Milos Sejn, Nordic Dumplings Klattertanterna, SU-EN, Vlasta Delimar

Uppsala konstmuseum
Drottnings Christinas väg 1E
SE-752 37 Uppsala, Sweden

Places and Landscapes
14.02.2011 | Communication space at ul. Školská 28, Prague, Czech Republic

Doprovodny program k vystave Jana Proska a Jana Krticky Vylet, kde oba umelci, kurator vystavy a hoste promluvi o projektech, tykajicich se tematu krajiny, cesty a soucasneho umeni.


Jan Prosek a Jan Krticka predstavi svoji praci s prostorem a zvukem, jakoz i vychodiska vystavene instalace: Tema promeny osoby-umelce skrze krajinu a naopak, moznosti zachyceni a prenosu zkusenosti s krajinou a pohybem v ni a take problem cesty jako vytvarneho media

Navzajem - rekonstrukce cesty. Filip Cenek, Barbora Klimova, Vladimir Havlik a Eda Cupak se vloni v lete pokusili o reprizu cesty do Madarska a Bulharska, kterou puvodne uskutecnil Vladimir Havlik a Eda Cupak v roce 1981. Archivni cernobily 8mm film, zaznamenavajici tehdejsi cestu je zde tematizovan v casovem posunu z perspektivy srovnani dvou generacnich prozitku a prizmatem ruznych zaznamovych medii. Projekt predstavi Vladimir Havlik

Milos Sejn o svem projektu SPELAEVM VENERIS (Venusina sluj), ve kterem hleda osobni interpretace dila a odkazu Josefa Manesa. Spolecne s choreografem Frankem van de Venem, se kterym Sejn spolupracuje radu let nachazi behem cteni obrazu vyznacneho malire ceskeho romantismu metaforicke vazby mezi krajinou, jeji reflexi v obraze a gestem lidskeho tela.

Josef Danek, Aneta Soukupova a Vojta Horalek, uvedou projekt Vyprava do divociny.

Ambivalentni vztah cloveka a prirody je atributem kazde kulturni reflexe a prirozenym objektem zajmu umelcu. Promenujici se podoba tohoto vztahu- sebevedome pokusy o vydeleni, nadrazovani a ovladnuti se stridaji, ci prolinaji s  projevy nekritickeho obdivu k dokonalosti prirodnich zakonu, romantickymi navraty do luna panenske prirody ci vzyvanim bozske podstaty stvoreni. Vyvazenejsi pristup nabizi soudobe predstavy kontextualniho, environmentalniho nahlizeni vztahu cloveka a prostredi smerujici k pojmenovani a dodrzovani pravidel zarucujicich dlouhodobou dynamickou stabilitu vzajemneho souziti.Nase idea ╲dignified tramping╡ /volne prelozeno ╲Dustojneho trampovani╡/ je nenapadnou avsak vnitrne reflektovanou hrou s temito kontexty. Pojem divociny je v kontextu \"Dustojneho trampingu\" vniman co nejsireji jako souhrn vsech typu divocin, zahrnujicich vedle prirodnich divocin take vsechny podoby divociny kulturni.Pavel Kopecky doprovodi poutnika vstupujiciho do symbolickeh
 o prostoru dvoji divociny hrou na basbezku.

Milos Vojtechovsky predstavi nektere projekty, vyuzivajici terenni zvukove nahravky a zmini se obecne o fenomenu zvuku a  zvukomalbe v soucasnem umeni v metafore promeny pojmu krajiny a zahrady

4xdifferently / landscape arrangement
07. 09. - 14. 09. 2009
Záměrem tohoto site specific projektu je formou pobytové dílny vytvořit a veřejně prezentovat divadelní performance, jejíž vznik bude podmíněn studiem této konkrétní lokality.
Z velké části dochovaný, čitelný koncept barokní krajiny v Jičíně a jeho okolí, není pouze tématem pro studium historie, ale nabízí velmi konkrétní fyzický materiál k reflexi jednoho z možných přístupů člověka k prostředí. Přístupu či možná přesněji vztahu, který se nám po chvilce zdá být velmi povědomý, známý, současný.

Komplexní příprava site specific projektu se závěrečnou veřejnou prezentací poskytne všem účastníkům-studentům podmínky pro přímou zkušenost s tímto způsobem práce, který není vázán pouze na autentické místo, ale také na podporu a zájem místní kulturní veřejnosti.

Proces příprav k vytvoření této konkrétní divadelní akce bude motivován náměty a otázkami, které barokní krajinný koncept na Jičínsku nabízí:
Čtení krajiny - Čtení města - Sebevědomí, představy, krajina jako virtuální prostor k jejich realizaci ? - Geometrizace krajiny a její původní morfologie? - Záměry zásahu do krajinné struktury? - Praktické funkce takového zásahu - Proč udržovat krajinu jako dekoraci ? - Manipulace prostorem ? manipulace lidmi - Kdy experiment, urbanistická laboratoř, hledání fyzického vztahu k prostoru přerůstá v duchovní násilí ?

Spirituální zahrady Jičínska
Meditace nad fragmenty barokní krajinné kompozice.

Město Jičín a jeho okolí :
Lipová alej ze středu Jičína do Valdic
Čestný dvůr
Libosad s lodžií
Jezuitská kolej v Jičíně
kopec Zebín
kopec Veliš
krajinné osy barokního konceptu


Pondělí: Robert Smolík seznámení s místem, navštěva muzeum, synagoga, kolej, město, pak večer Jaromír Gotlieb lodžii.
další dny dle času :
Miloš Šejn: Zebín, Libosad
Michal Pospíšil, Mariánská zahrada, pouť po kaplích. Zpívání.
Neděle prezentace ve městě neb v Libosadu a v Lodžii


2012 – Processual work | Bavarian Primeval Forest, Germany

Becoming Tree Falling, 2012
wraped spruce and beech trees, black fabric, various dimesions
48° 55' 1.17"N / 13° 32' 4.25"E
2008 – Permanent installation in the building of ROBERT winding machine | MAYRAU Coal Mining Open-Air Museum, Vinařice u Kladna, Czech Republic

Hortus Robertiana, 2008
50°9'56.338"N, 14°4'55.076"E

Bohemiae Rosa pointAcademy Archives point

Miloš Šejn | Českých Bratří 312 | CZ-50601 Jičín | T +420 723 701 658 | milos [at-sign]

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